
Halaman : 7
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Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth: A Handbook for Practitioners

Pengarang : Anil Markandya, Patrice Harou, Lorenzo Giovanni Bellu & Vito Cistulli

Sosialisasi Tarif Air Minum PDAM Pontianak

Why Do Differences in Provincial Incomes Persist in Indonesia?

Pengarang : Jorge Garcia-Garcia & Lana Soelistianingsih

Indonesia’s economic and social policies, rather than good luck, contributed to the increase in provincial incomes over the past 20 years and the decrease during that time period in provincial income inequities.
Prudent economic management enabled the country and its provinces to grow. Resources from the oil sector allowed the government to improve the nation’s physical and social infrastructure and to reduce the differences in provincial incomes and consumption. Yet, disparities in personal and regional incomes persist.
Why do differences in provincial incomes persist This paper try to answer that question by studying what makes provinces grow, what makes provinces have different incomes per capita, and what caused the differences in provincial incomes over the last 20 years.

Assessment of Resource Flows in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector: Ethiopia Case Study (Water Supply & Sanitation Working Notes, no.2, January 2005)

Pengarang : Opeter L. Watson, Joseph Gadek, Eyob Defere, Catherine Revels

Kota-Kota Dalam Transisi: Tinjauan Sektor Perkotaan pada Era Desentralisasi di Indonesia (Working Paper No.7, Esat Asia Urban Working Paper Series)

Simplified Sewerage Design Guidelines

Pengarang : Alexander Bakalian, Albert Wright, Richard Otis, & Jose de Azevedo Netto

Integrated River Basin Environment Assessment (Proceedings of the Forum Technical Session, Grand Cube Osaka, March 19, 2003)

Buku ini berisi paper-paper hasil acara Forum Technical Session, di Grand Cube Osaka, Jepang tanggal 19 Maret 2003. Contents: Flood and Sediment Disasters in Urban Areas in Japan Water Related Problems in Large City Areas in China Necessity of The Integrated Water Management at Honmyo River Basin in Japan The European Water Framework Directive Habitat Assessment of the Upper Mississippi River Supplement: Temporal and Spatial Assessment of River Basin Environment through Long-term Simulation Characteristics of Recent Urban Floods in Japan and Countermeasures against Them A Simplified Model for Long Term Prediction on Vertical Distributions of water Qualities in Lake Biwa

Wastewater Treatment in Asian Cities

Bahan dan Materi Workshop "Revitalisasi Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Sampah", Jakarta 24 Maret 2008


• Biodegradation Process of Municipal Solid Waste by Semi-aerobic Landfill Type by Ayako Tanaka & Yasushi Matsufuji
• Concept of Safety Closure and Reuse of Completed Landfill Sites by Yasushi Matsufuji & Ayako Tanaka
• Case Study of a CDM Project in Malaysia (conducted by Industry – Government – Universuty Relation)
• Clean Development Mechanisme (CDM) dalam Pengelolaan TPA Kota Pontianak oleh Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan Kota Pontianak

Issues Paper: The Hows and Whys of Water Connection Charges

Pengarang : Rudolf Frauendorfer
Water connection charges often act as a major barrier to connecting the poor. So why charge for a connection Mobile companies provide free phones to attract subscribers. Supermarkets do not charge entrance fees to potential shoppers. Why can this not be applied to water services There are several answers - from tradition to requiring proof of creditworthiness and willingness to pay, availing of a cheap funding source, and creating artificial bottlenecks to cater to vested interests. Whatever the utilities' reasons are, one thing is clear-connections should be paid since installing them involves legitimate costs that need to be covered.This paper discusses the water utilities' need to charge for new connections, why such charges are often high, and why the prevailing practice of upfront payment of full connection charges should be reexamined.

Dignity, Disease, and Dollars: Asia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) advocates that sanitation should be an urgent priority for governments in Asia. Our call to action--"Dignity, Disease, and Dollars" --has been chosen deliberately to focus attention on three areas where stakeholders need to see results: Better facilities for individuals so they can regain their dignity, disease prevention and healthy environmental outcomes for the wider community, and financial viability of sanitation services for provider governments and utilities in tandem with affordability for households. In our view, achieving these results is feasible. We invite other agencies--public and private--to partner with us in helping governments, utilities, and communities make sanitation a priority and accelerate actions that will achieve targeted results.

Indonesia: Economic and Social Update November 2007

Pengarang : Lloyd Kenward, William Wallace

Makna Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan dan Penyediaan Air secara Terpadu

Pengarang : Ir. Achmadi Partowijoto, CAE, PU-SDA, IPU

Sanitation for All - Thematic Overview Paper 20

Pengarang : Gert de Bruijne (WASTE), Mirjam Geurts (WASTE), and Brian Appleton
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Kumpulan Dokumen ISSDP

Alternative Approaches to Pollution Control and Waste Management: Regulatory and Economic Instruments (Urban Management Program Discussion Paper Series)

Pengarang : Janis D. Bernstein

Peraturan Daerah dalam Pencapaian Tujuan Otonomi Daerah: Meningkatkan Akses dan Partisipasi Publik dalam Menelaah Perda untuk Menjamin Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Pengimplementasian Perda (Kumpulan Makalah Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional, Jakarta 26-27 Juli 2006)

Pengarang : Wawan Sobari, dkk

Dapatkah Perda Menjamin Komitmen Kerjasama antara Wilayah? Pengelolaan Sumber Air Minum Lintas Wilayah di Kawasan Gunung Ciremai Provinsi Jawa Barat (Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional, Jakarta 26-27 Juli 2006 "Peraturan Daerah dalam Pencapaian Tujuan Otonomi Daerah: Meningkatkan Akses dan Partisipasi Publik dalam Menelaah Perda untuk Menjamin Transparansi & Akuntabilitas Pengimplementasian Perda")

Pengarang : Hikmat Ramdan dan Ahmad Dermawan (Asisten Peneliti CIFOR)

Identifying Scale Economics for Different Types of Water Supply Organizations in Japan

Pengarang : Takuya Urakami

Perkembangan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) di Perkotaan dan Dampaknya Terhadap Akses Air Masyarakat Lokal

Pengarang : Ratna Hidayat