Publications Catalogue Asia Pacific Development

Penerbit:Philippines, Asian Development Bank, March 2008, 70 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2008
No. Klasifikasi:017 ASI p
Kata Kunci:katalog, Asia Pacific Development, ADB, publications catalog
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
Kategori:Katalog Pustaka

This catalog lists publications suach as books, reports, manuals, conference papers; and other forms such as videotapes, CD-ROMs, and DVDs currently available from ADB and those released since 2002. It also contains separate sections on earlier, and out-of-print titles. Commercial distributors and booksellers (pages 53-56), and copublishers (page 57) are also listed.


- Asian Development Bank
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment
- Gender
- Governance
- Health and Social Protection
- Infrastructure
- Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Society
- Regional Cooperation and Integration
- Rural Development
- Urban Development

Titles Published Before 2002
Commercial Distributors
ADB Depository Library Program

Post Date : 18 Juli 2008