Better water and sanitation for the urban poor: Good practice from sub - Saharan Africa

Penerbit:Kenya, Water Utility Partnership for Capacity Building Africa, 2003, 100 hal
No. Klasifikasi:363. 61 WAT b
Kata Kunci:Water and Sanitation, Africa
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
The information provides in each section of this document has been gathered trough a comperative study of water and sanitation service in nine African countries. Based on knowledge and recomendations of sector practitioners, this investigation (called WUP 5) document "good practice" -example of effective policy development and implementation in delivering water and sanitation services to the urban poor.

This document is intended for practitioners in waters and sanitation sector, especialy policy and decision maker involved in the development and/or delevery of water and sanitation services to low income urban communities. These actors may be associated with water supply and sewerege utilities, line ministries, municipal governments, non-government organizations, bilateral or multilateral institutions or the private sector.

Post Date : 03 Maret 2007