Contracting for Public Services: Output-based aid and its Applications

Pengarang:Penelope J. Brook and Suzanne M.Smith (Ed)
Penerbit:USA, The World Bank, 2001 (Cet.1), x + 122 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2001
No. Klasifikasi:363.6 BRO c
Kata Kunci:report, public service
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL

Daftar isi:


Part 1 Output-based aid: precedents, promises, and challenges

Part 2
Chapter 1 Expanding Rural Telephony Output-based contracts for pay phones in Peru
Chapter 2 Making water Affordable Output-based consumption subsidies in Chile
Chapter 3 Easing Tariff Increases Financing the Transition to cost-covering water tariffs in Guinea
Chapter 4 Maintaining Roads Experience with output-based contracts in Argentina
Chapter 5 Extending Rural Electrification A Survey of innovative schemes
Chapter 6 Educating Mothers for Health Output-based incentives for teaching oral rehydration in Bangladesh
Chapter 7 Promoting Preventive Health Care Paying for performance in Haiti
Chapter 8 Improving Primary Health Care Output-based Contarcting in Romania
Chapter 9 Pursuing Output-Based Education The Evolution of contracts for schools in the United Kingdom

Part 3 Designing Output-based Aid Schemes: a Checklist
Suggested Readings

Post Date : 27 Juni 2007