Dignity, Disease, and Dollars: Asia

Penerbit:Asian Development Bank, August 2007, 12 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2007
No. Klasifikasi:363.728 ASI d
Kata Kunci:discussion note, sanitation, disease
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Perpustakaan ISSDP

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) advocates that sanitation should be an urgent priority for governments in Asia. Our call to action--"Dignity, Disease, and Dollars" --has been chosen deliberately to focus attention on three areas where stakeholders need to see results: Better facilities for individuals so they can regain their dignity, disease prevention and healthy environmental outcomes for the wider community, and financial viability of sanitation services for provider governments and utilities in tandem with affordability for households. In our view, achieving these results is feasible. We invite other agencies--public and private--to partner with us in helping governments, utilities, and communities make sanitation a priority and accelerate actions that will achieve targeted results.

Post Date : 10 Maret 2008