Economic Impacts of Sanitation in Indonesia: A five-country study conducted in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Vietnam under the Economics of Sanitation Initiatives (ESI)

Penerbit:Jakarta, Water and Sanitation Program ast Asia and the Pacific (WSP-EAP), Agustus 2008, 88 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th 2008
No. Klasifikasi:363.72 WAT e
Kata Kunci:studi kasus, research report, sanitation, economic impact, Indonesia
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
Kategori:Studi Kasus

This is the first study in Indonesia to compile economic evidence on a range of impacts of poor sanitation and hygiene. The results indicate that poor sanitation and hygiene have significant financial and economic costs, with major implications for the socio-economic development of Indonesia and the attainment of short, medium, and long term development goals. The study highlights the links betwen improved sanitation and several other MDG targets, including poverty, hunger reduction, gender quality, child health, access to safe drinking water, and the quality of life of slum-dwellers.

The study demonstrates that poor sanitation affects everyone, but especially the poor and vulnerable, including children, women, the disabled and senior citizens. Hence, sanitation should receive greater attention from all levels of Indonesian government, and from development partners, the private sector and households. Decision makers should act now, and in a concerted way, to stimulate demand for improved sanitation and hygiene practices, at the same time increasing the opportunities for households to safisfy their demand.

Table of Contents:

 Executive Summary
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Methods
 2.1 Study Approach
 2.2 Scope of  Sanitation
 2.3 Impacts evaluated
 2.4 Impact mitigation

3. Results
 3.1 Summary of Economic impacts of poor sanitation
 3.2 Health impacts
 3.3 Water resource impacts
 3.4 Environment
 3.5 Other welfare impacts
 3.6 Tourism Impacts
 3.7 Sanitation Markets

4. Recommendations

Annex A: Algorithms
Annex B: National Data Inputs and Results
Annex C: Provincial Data Inputs and Results

Post Date : 21 November 2008