Environmental Planning and Management and The Project Cycle (ADB Environmnet Paper No.1)

Penerbit:Asian Development Bank, April 1991, 2nd Revision, iv + 37 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 1991
No. Klasifikasi:628 ASI e
Kata Kunci:paper, environmental planning, project cycle, ADB paper
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021-31904113

This paper is the first of a series to be published by the Asian Development Bank dealing with environmental and natural resources planning and management in the Asian and Pacific region and will cover such topics as environmental legislation and administration, sustainable development, environmental quality criteria and standards, and natural resources information systems. The aim of the series is to promote the integration of the environmental dimension into economic development activities and thereby encourage more sound development – what has come to be called “sustainable development”.

Environment Paper No.1 explains the mechanism by which environmental considerations are blended with the Bank’s processing and implementation of its development projects. It also describes the overall activities being undertaken by the Bank’s Office of the Environment, recent environmental policies and procedures endorsed by the Board of Directors, and future directions.

Table of Contents:



Project Review

Environment-Oriented Projects

Resource Center Activities

Education and Training of Bank Staff

The Bank’s Environmental Action Program for the 1990s

Annex 1: The Project Cycle: Environmental and Natural Resources Planning and Management

Annex 2: Categorization of Projects Based on Potential Environmental Impacts

Annex 3: Preliminary Environmental Screening of 1991 and 1992 Loan and Technical Assistance Projects

Annex 4: Secondary Enviromental Review of 1991 and 1992 Loan and Technical Assistance Projects

Annex 5: In-House Liasion and Participation of Environment Specilists in 1991-1992 Loan and Technical Assistance Projects

Annex 6: Loan Projects Approved in 1990: Projects Requiring Environmental Review During Implementation

Annex 7: Post-Project Appraisal in 1990: Projects Requiring Environmental Analysis

Annex 8: The Project Cycle: Environmental Inputs

Post Date : 29 Juli 2009