Harnessing Market Power for Rural Sanitation: Private Sector Sanitation Delivery in Vietnam

Penerbit:Jakarta, Water and Sanitation Program East Asia and the Pacific (WSP-EAP), February 2005, 15 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2005
No. Klasifikasi:363.72 WAT h
Kata Kunci:catatan lapangan, rural sanitation, Vietnam
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
Kategori:Catatan Lapangan
In two Vietnam provinces, an international NGO developed a range of low-cost sanitation options and stimulated a network of local masons to market and deliver them to the rural population. As a result, the sanitation access rate increased markedly in the area, even among the poor.

This field note outlines lessons learned in the process of creating the demand for sanitation and meeting this demand locally.

Post Date : 06 April 2005