Malaysia Water Industry Guide 2005

Pengarang:Malaysia Water Association
Penerbit:Malaysia Water Association, 2005, 204 hal
Tahun Terbit:2005
No. Klasifikasi:333. 91 MAL m
Kata Kunci:Water industri, Malaysia
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
This Malaysia Water Industry Guide certainly goes a long way in meeting the growing demand for information and statistics on the performence of Malaysias water industry.With the restructuring of the water industry in full swing, the importance of a reference document guide is further highlighted. The goal of the restructuring is the creation of excellence in Malaysia water supply services, and a key component in achieving this the availability of timely and accurate data.This provision of such comprehensive information in this guide facilities the vital task of bencmarking the performance of water related entities to promote greater competitivenes and efficiency in the water industry. This, ini turn, will benefit consumers as water related companies strive to provide higher quality and more efficient service.

Post Date : 12 Desember 2006