Poverty and Sanitation: An analysis of the linkage between poverty and access to basic sanitation in Honduras

Pengarang:Beatriz Schippner & Lylliam Moya (Ed)
Penerbit:Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Water and Sanitation Program Latin Amarica & the Caribbean Region, January 2008, 32 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2008
No. Klasifikasi:363.72 SCH p
Kata Kunci:studi kasus, poverty – sanitation linkage, Honduras
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL, Telp. 021 - 31904113
Kategori:Studi Kasus

This document presents an analysis of poverty levels among rural and urban households of Honduras and their access to sanitation solutions. It identifies key aspects for improving services and contributing to sector policies, strategies and investments plans that atrget the poor. The analysis is based on a broad review of available documentation and data.
This study shows that the low income population in Honduras is mainly rural (74 %) and that the rest resides in urban areas (26 %). The highest levels of access to sanitation services in cities corresponds to household connections to piped sewerage networks, but this option mainly serves the non-poor. Only 31 % of teh moderately poor and 12 % in extreme poverty in urban areas have achieved access to sewerage networks. In rural areas sanitation solutions are generally on site excreta disposal (septic tanks or latrines) but only 70 % of the moderately poor and 49 % of those in extreme poverty have access to even these solutions.
This study identifies three scenarios for sanitation access; urban areas, concentrated rural communities, and dispersed rural villages.



Executive Summary

1. Inroduction

2. Access to sanitation and the situation at the national level

3. Rural sanitation

4. Urban sanitation

5. Considerations for an urban sanitation strategy

6. Considerations for a rural sanitation strategy

7. Investment, financing and subsidies for sanitation

8. Monitoring and institutional support for sustainable sanitation services

9. Conclusions and recommendations


Post Date : 01 April 2009