Subsidy or Self Respect? Participatory Total Community Sanitation in Bangladesh

Pengarang:Kar, Kamal
Penerbit:Institute of Development Studies (IDS), England. 2003, 40 hal
Tahun Terbit:Th. 2003
No. Klasifikasi:363. 72 KAR s
Kata Kunci:makalah, sanitasi, Bangladesh
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL
Access to latrines in rural areas of Bangladesh is less than 15 per cent. Many international agencies and non-government organizations have been working to improve environmental sanitation by constructing latrines and toilets with subsidies provided at different rates. Success has generaly been measured on the basis of the number of latrines constructed within a given period of time instread of the extent of open defecation, which in most cases has continued unabated. Open defacation has been completely stopped by community in more than 400 villages in Bangladesh, and the methodology is now being adopted in parts of India and elsewhere in Asia and Africa. This new empowering approach towards the provision of services and infrastructure has serious policy implications for other such programmes.

Post Date : 02 Agustus 2006