Towards effective water policy in the Asian and Pacific region (vol two)

Pengarang:Arriens, Wouter Lincklaen & Bird, Jeremy; Berkoff, Jeremy; Mosley, Paul
Penerbit:Manila, Philippines, Asian Development Bank, 1996
Tahun Terbit:1996
No. Klasifikasi:333.91 ARR t
Kata Kunci:water resources, prosiding
Lokasi:Perpustakaan AMPL

Water as precious and critical natural resource, is intrinsically connected with human and economic development and environmental protection. Understanding the enormous of The Asian and Pacific Region and the rapidly increasing presures on the resource is fundamental to addresing current water issues. Water and land endowments; economic development paths; and stages in the development of the water and associates land resources all differ significantly. Thus, water sector projects need to be conceived, desgned, and implemented in ways that meet each country may not have the same urgency in another.

Post Date : 15 Juli 2007